Whole Home Humidifiers in Des Moines

Humidity is a major issue in both the winter and the summer. On one end of the calendar, it gets too humid, which most homeowners are all too aware of, but on the other end, it can be downright dry and uncomfortable in your home. This is an issue that most homeowners overlook and one that can cause damage and worsen illness for a lot of people.
If the humidity level in your home during the winter is uncomfortably low, to the point that it worsens colds and other illnesses and causes damage to your furniture, now may be the time to call Greens Appliance, Heating & Cooling about a humidifier. We offer a wide range of top-of-the-line humidifiers and dehumidifiers in Des Moines, IA, and Metro , and can install them and maintain them on an annual basis to keep them running properly.
Call Greens Appliance, Heating & Cooling today to learn more.

Humidifier Installation

A good humidifier in Des Moines, IA is designed to keep your home at a comfortable humidity level between 30 and 50 percent. Anything below this level and your home becomes uncomfortably dry, to the point that it can cause damage to your skin, furniture, and nasal passages. Extremely low humidity dries out varnish, reducing your indoor air quality, and making it harder to recover from common colds and the flu. Not to mention, low humidity can be a source of great discomfort for your pets who are more than likely in your home for more time throughout the day than you.

If you are interested in humidifier installation in the Des Moines, IA area, now is the time to call one of our trained experts to take a closer look at your existing HVAC system and determine what the best solution will be.

Humidifiers in Des Moines, IA are available as in–duct add–ons as well as upgrades to your existing air handler system. If you are interested in having your system upgraded with a new humidifier installation in Des Moines, IA, now is the time to give one of our technicians a call.

Humidifier Repair

If humidity levels suddenly increase despite the fact that you have a humidifier installed, it may be a sign of a problem in your system. There are a number of reasons why this could happen. Your humidifier might be low on water or, if it is a warm–source humidifier, a heating element could be bad. Whatever the cause, you should call for Des Moines, IA humidifier repair as soon as you realize there is a problem. This will allow us to fix the problem before heightened humidity levels can cause damage to any part of your home.

Humidifier Maintenance

Because a humidifier is a water–sourced appliance, it has filters and needs to be cleaned on a regular basis. Without cleaning, filters can become clogged and mold can start to grow.

In addition to regular cleaning, humidifier maintenance in or another area near Des Moines, IA involves checking the electrical and plumbing connections to ensure the system is working properly once each year when the rest of your HVAC system is inspected. We offer Des Moines, IA humidifier maintenance services for all area homeowners so call us today if you need assistance.

If you are interested in purchasing a new humidifier for your home or are concerned that your existing humidifier isn’t working properly, call Greens Appliance, Heating & Cooling today. Our trained technicians are on call to assist you with whatever humidity control needs you might have.


HVAC Emergency?

The Humidifiers Experts at Greens Appliance, Heating & Cooling are ready to help! Call or easily schedule online, today.

Having trouble keeping cool?

Call (515) 329-0025 today for more information, or schedule your service appointment online!

Financing Options Available

At Greens, we understand how important a functioning HVAC system is for your home. This is why we offer flexible financing options to help you take care of your new HVAC purchase, so you can get back to taking care of what matters most to you.

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Priority Maintenance

A well-maintained HVAC system can save you from having to invest in costly repairs down the road. Learn more about the priority maintenance services offered by Greens Appliance, Heating & Cooling.

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